The greatest influencer in this world during the past hundred years has been the United States. It has been at the forefront in creating the world’s economic system, weapons of destruction, and technology that is responsible for our modern lives. Yet today, the result of this influence is worldwide chaos. Economies are on the brink of collapse, algorithms are pushing people to extremism, and nations are edging ever closer to world war.
People around the world are beginning to lose hope that their leaders can solve these ever-growing problems. Yet there is hope, but those things hoped for only come after a traumatic downfall. The world is about to begin experiencing the worst times of suffering and destruction it has ever known. These events are prophetic, and many have already taken place, such as 9/11, the near economic collapse of 2008, and the COVID pandemic. For over 70 years the world has been warned about coming end-time events, but few have listened. This book details those prophecies that have already come to pass and those that are about to occur.
The United States will be the first to fall and the events that take place will lead to mankind’s last war. However, God has always sent warnings before destruction would come. This book is that warning, but it is also about a far better world that is coming.
Right before that new world comes, mankind will be brought to the brink of annihilation, but God will not allow that to take place. He will intervene to establish His own Kingdom on this earth.
“… and there were great voices in heaven, saying, ‘The kingdoms [nations] of this world have now become the kingdoms of our Lord, even of His Christ, and He shall reign from now and forever more.’” (Revelation 11:15)
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RONALD Weinland is the pastor of The Church of God – Preparing for the Kingdom of God. God’s Church observes the 7th day Sabbath & the seven annual Holy Days as given in Leviticus 23. The church’s purpose is to lead and teach those whom God is newly calling into His Church in these end-times, as well as those whom God is awakening from the scattering that occurred in the Worldwide Church of God.
The Church of God – PKG